Monday, September 22, 2008

Thor's Hammer

I am hung up aboard "Thor's Hammer" as the chief engineer goes over logs from our fight against the Amarr comparing shield performance against expected norms. Having just come from the armor tanking battlecruiser "Dirt Devil" to the shield tanking Maelstrom, we are both not sure what to expect. The three capacitor rigs seem to have done their job however, as it shows the booster had to fire a very low percent of the time. In fact, my engineer is impressed that it was far less than we had to run the armor repper on Dirt Devil. The frown that he has worn since boarding is starting to be replaced by a grin. Uppp, hold on a sec, here he is with his report.... Ok, everything is good I am STRONGLY encouraged to look into getting a whole fleet of tech 2 drones to allay his biggest fear of getting scrammed in this monstrosity.

Ok, he has gone off to the station bar to meet with some Gallentean wench. That give me a few moments to address all these latest changes with you my friend. It must be somewhat disconcerting to bring on a new pilot and have him suddenly move up to battleship class piloting, especially after all the training and work you have put in to get to where you are now. When I received word from my trust manager that I had inherited an extremely large sum from an uncle on the planet Gor, I couldn't resist looking into the new cloning procedure. My manager and I hit some snags on the business deal, but it finally went through. Now I just have to deal with the disconcerting psychological issues of being in a different clone body, and how my friends will relate to me. I want to assure you that I am just as committed as before to our joint enterprise. In fact, it is quite possible that I will now be even more dependent on you in joint operations, as many of my skills require the support of more nimble ships. If we work together, we can bring the hammer of justice to the slavers, free the Minmatar who remain under slavery, and bring a moral purpose and direction to the Gallentean capital machine.

I have an idea I wanted to discuss with you. I see two challenges before us... Our new pilot friend Tapper seems to be absolutely loving his new career as a capsuleer. However, I am concerned that the joy will turn to frustration if he accompanies us on level 4 missions and gets his ship popped every time he gets aggro. Secondly, I think we need to bring a new pilot into our little enterprise. Someone who is really good at science, research, and industry. We could task him with building the ships and mods we will need, and he could tag along for salvaging and hauling tasks. So here is my proposition... as you know, the business snags I ran into on my clone procedure landed me and extra clone named Grievance. He has about the same level of skills as you do, and I suggest we encourage Tapper to purchase Grievance. That would enable him to much better participate in ops with us. I could then use the capital to hire the researcher/industrialist. The industrialist would report directly to you for his research assignments. I might have him tag along now and then on ops, but you would be director of production for our team. Please let me know what you think, and then we can talk to Tapper if you agree. Otherwise I will dispose of Grievance at my convenience to procure the funds for the industrialist.

Finally, it looks like I have four days until I can begin training Capital Ships. There are all different kinds and different levels, but out of curiosity I looked at the Roq in evemon, found a highly rated fitplan, and created a training plan. It will take me under two months to fly a Roq fully fitted with clone vats, jump drive, and the works. If I acquire these skills, it might be possible to get Lord Wiggin to buy the ship itself for me. In this case, our little team would become quite an asset to this or any other corp, leading to officer positions I am sure. Personally, I will be refusing such positions, but you might be interested in an industrial position to gain access to corporate resources that might bring us cash flow.

Well, I guess its time to see if I might find my own Gallentean wench somewhere aboard this station. I hear that they are far less inhibited than Minmatar girls, and can turn a neat trick.

Signing off,

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